Sunday, October 4, 2009


Ways That Can be Used for Skin Whitening
Most of the people generally women want to look fairer. There are various ways available to whiten the skin without using harsh chemicals on it. Almost every woman gazes around searching best skin whitening products, due to the fact that men prefer fair complexion wife. The availability of lots of skin whitening products in the market shows that they are in heavy demand. People are making every effort to whiten their skin whether by using home made products or by using products available in market. There are several things that can help you in lightening your skin tone.
The first thing you must do is stay away from sun exposure. The heat of sun can tan your skin very fast. You can notice it by comparing the skin color of covered and uncovered areas of your body. The best thing to avoid sun exposure is to stay in or carry an umbrella if it’s important to go out. You can use sun tan lotions that will protect your skin to some extents from sun rays. You must clean up your skin so that dead cells on the skin can be removed. Regularly moisturize your skin is also necessary.
The type of food you eat also has a great impact on your skin. Regular intake of fast food or oily food can increase pigmentation on your skin. Food like fruits and vegetables which contain fiber will stop the growth of melanin and make you fairer naturally. Intake of junk food or alcohol will make you look more elder than you are exactly. You can also use a skin whitening cream available in the market but choose the best cream that has minimum side effects. You can also use home made products that are more effective and also does not have any side effects.
In many countries herbs are used to keep skin glow and fair. A natural product that is available in each and every kitchen is turmeric. Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and can be used to lighten skin. You can use it in the form of pack by mixing grounded turmeric with water. Massage the paste on the skin every day. This can be applied to every part of the body. Turmeric protects skin from sun naturally and also whitens your skin. Most of the village women start applying it to their daughter’s skin from their teen age so that they look fairer.

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